Fax: 847-240-2044
Courtyards on Woodfield
810 E. Woodfield Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60173
MWF 9am-7pm
Tue/Thu 9am-6pm

The region’s #1 specialists
in Vestibular & Balance disorders
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Notice
COVID-19: Our Commitment to Keeping Patients and Employees Safe
The health and safety of our patients is extremely important to us. Physical Therapy Solutions is continuing to monitor developments related to COVID-19 and are taking this outbreak very seriously. We are following the guidelines outlined by the CDC and other health authorities to provide the safest environment for everyone. While our clinical remains open to continue your care, we are observing the following procedures to ensure a safe experience for our patients and employees:
Sanitation continues to be a top priority and we have re-emphasized the importance of keeping our facilities clean.
Physical Therapy Solutions employees are practicing good hand hygiene and we are ensuring we have adequate supplies in our facilities.
Patient caregivers will be permitted in the clinic.
Vendors, observers, visitors and other non-essential individuals will not be granted access to clinic locations.
Patient family members not directly involved in patient care will be asked to remain in the waiting area.
In accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, all individuals in a healthcare setting, patients and visitors age 2 or older must wear a mask covering their nose and mouth before entering the clinic and for the entirety of their therapy visit, regardless of COVID vaccination status.
We are privileged to serve you and will continue to provide the highest level of quality care and communication around COVID-19.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at pt@ptsolutionsgroup.com or 847-240-2000.
The following are additional resources from the CDC website about COVID-19: